Pernille Egede Taulund - Psykoterapeut MPF
Group therapy

Create lasting change - book a non-committal clarifying conversation, free of charge.

Group therapy

You are not alone! You will discover that there are many others who have similar dilemmas and issues. You can gain greater insight into yourself through and together with others.

The group size is limited to 6 people with 1 therapist permanently attached. Groups can be formed based on different themes, genders, specific issues, age, personal development, couples, etc. A session can vary in length, but the characteristic is that you commit to 6 meetings at a time, after which you can assess whether you want to continue for another 6 times. The group is closed to new participants and only opens for new members every 7th meeting. It is not uncommon to take several courses in succession. The participants already in the group have priority for the spots. Therefore, it may happen that a group remains closed for more than 6 times if all participants wish to continue.

"That was truly a wonderful experience! And I have immense respect for everything you accomplished here tonight. From the way you put together the 'program,' where everything flowed seamlessly, to your ability to connect with each and every one of us - and create this safe and calm space where we also connect with each other. Pernille, you master so many things! I am filled with admiration! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it."


The method of working varies depending on the situation; it can involve group exercises, individual exercises, reflective teams, theme dialogues, or short individual therapeutic sessions, always focusing on what is happening in the group and in each individual moment. It is advantageous to have knowledge of therapy and thus one's own inner dynamics and challenges.

It is a confidential space where the group will build trust together. You will have the opportunity to practice new paths, i.e., safely try out different behaviors than you are used to, together with a group of people who collectively create a reflective space.

Wednesday: Group therapy focusing on attachment patterns, love, and defense.

How your parents responded to you when you were a child has a lot to do with how you encounter the world as an adult. Our attachment patterns can be either secure/trustful, dismissive/avoidant, anxious/ambivalent, or disorganized. Studies show that about 40% of the population has an insecure attachment pattern. In the group, we work to identify our own attachment patterns and the challenges they present, as well as how they have arisen. Since it is possible to replace an insecure attachment pattern with what is called a learned secure pattern, this will be our main focus in the group. This can, among other things, mean that mistrust in the world changes to security and an open view of it.

New group: Wednesdays (in odd weeks) starting on May 22, 2024, from 17:30 to 20:00 (summer break last meeting on July 3 - restart on August 14, 2024). Update: 2 available spots.

Please register via email at You will receive an email if you have secured a spot (payment details will be provided in the email). You are only officially registered once you have paid a deposit of DKK 800. This deposit is non-refundable if you withdraw and covers payment for the last group meeting.

First conversation free of charge and entirely non-committal

Now you have the opportunity to book a clarifying conversation with me. It takes place online via Whereby (a link will be sent to you). The purpose of the conversation is for us to gauge chemistry, and for you to share your expectations, needs, and desires for the process. The conversation lasts approximately 30 minutes.

You'll find me centrally located in Copenhagen - less than 50 steps from Nørreport station.

Book a non-committal conversation - free of charge

Frederiksborggade 3, 2nd floor (Klinik Søgaard), Kbh K

Monday through Thursday 

10.20 - 17.00

Tuesday until 20.00

Note: Clients in progress are offered appointments that may not necessarily appear on the calendar.
