Do you know that feeling when your body stiffens and you're unable to do anything? Shock manifests in the body as a state of stiffness and is often not visible to anyone but yourself. Here, the expression can turn into emotional and physical reactions and symptoms, which unfortunately over time can become both chronic and entrenched. It can create a negative self-image and self-destructive behavior of guilt and shame.
Have you experienced a shock? Then shock/trauma treatment can help restore your balance.
When we are exposed to violent events, our natural defense system needs to be calibrated, as our sensory system otherwise goes into overdrive to continue protecting us.
What then happens is that the nervous system reacts from a heightened state of alarm, and therefore, over time, shock can turn into anxiety and an emotional collapse.
You've experienced a violent event, and now you're finding it hard to move on in life.
Normally, you handle things on your own, but this time it's tough to move forward.
You feel anxious about even doing the simplest everyday tasks.
Your usual coping mechanism of forgetting things isn't working this time.
You're upset, but you can't quite explain why.
Normally, putting yourself first and taking your place in life is difficult for you.
Your body hurts, and getting out of bed is a challenge.
You've entered a state of powerlessness, causing you to lose direction in life.
You need help to get your body to cooperate with you again.
Learn to listen to the body's narratives and start trusting again that you know best what you need.
By giving the body what it needs, you will begin to feel a sense of relaxation. The body will slowly commence its healing.
You are the one who knows best what you need. The world opens up again and becomes a pleasant place to be.
"I am thrilled with Pernille, and I would recommend her without hesitation as a worthy sparring partner regarding life's bruises, but especially for the deeper fractures."
What happens to those bodily, often wordless, states when they are met, mirrored, and made universally human?
- Discovering and exploring how nerves, hormones, and connective tissues resonate within the companionship, encounter, or harmony with another human being?
Trauma psychologist, Ulla Rung Weeke
Family/couple and individual psychotherapy. Certified and licensed psychotherapist MPF
Trained at IFUAM in 2009. Further education focused on family and couples therapy, shock/trauma, and groups.
The path to healing occurs when we listen to what our body and emotions are telling us and what they need.
Now you have an opportunity to book a clarifying conversation with me. It takes place online via Whereby (a link will be sent to you). The purpose of the conversation is for us to gauge chemistry, and for you to share your expectations, needs, and desires for the process. The conversation lasts approximately 30 minutes.
You can find me centrally in Copenhagen – less than 50 steps from Nørreport Station.
Book a non-committal consultation - free of charge
Frederiksborggade 3, 2 floor (Klinik Søgaard), Kbh K
Monday to Thursday
10.20 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday until 8.00 pm
Note: Clients in ongoing sessions are offered appointments that may not necessarily appear on the calendar.