Pernille Egede Taulund - Psykoterapeut MPF
Couples Therapy

Couples/family therapy

Get help with:

  • Re-establishing a secure attachment between you and your partner
  • Bringing honest but loving communication back into your relationship
  • Actively listening to your partner's experiences
  • Re-establishing closeness and intimacy

At the root of the difficult challenges in a romantic relationship is often the feeling that our natural needs for love and recognition are being threatened. When we fear rejection or feel unseen and unheard by our partner, we respond with natural survival mechanisms that, unfortunately, create even more distance. Instead of meeting each other halfway, listening, and showing interest, we push each other away in an attempt to protect ourselves from the pain of feeling inadequate. This leads to a negative cycle that becomes harder to break the longer it persists.

That's why it's crucial for the well-being and survival of your relationship that the secure attachment between you and your partner is re-established.

When love turns into a struggle

Most relationships originally form from a desire to be together — rooted in a need for both partners to feel alive, loved, and valued. But everyday life, reality, and the conditions of the relationship can change, making it challenging to find space for yourselves and each other. It may feel as if life has quietly passed you by, and now you find yourselves overwhelmed by problems that seem insurmountable.

  • You find it difficult to communicate without it turning into an argument or creating distance between you
  • You feel overwhelmed by your partner's emotions and struggle to assert yourself
  • You keep arguing about the same things without making progress, and both of you are unhappy
  • You've started feeling lonely in your relationship and find it hard to talk to your partner about it
  • You've had a child together, and now you find it difficult to recognize your partner. You feel there’s no time for closeness and intimacy
  • You've lost the sense of closeness and sexual energy. It feels like it's been replaced by screen time, exercise, and/or work
  • You've reached a point in your relationship where you need help finding each other again

Family/Couples and Individual Psychotherapy
Certified and Examined Psychotherapist (MPF)

Trained at IFUAM in 2009. Further educated with a focus on family and couples therapy, shock/trauma, and group therapy.

What I often help my clients achieve is to start communicating from the heart again—a communication that is not colored by defense or judgment. A communication where "YOU" is replaced with "I," and "WE" re-emerges as a working alliance and a shared space, allowing room for both you and me together.

Read more about me here.

I have extensive experience in helping couples dare to explore themselves and then stand by what they hope and long for.

It is through honest communication that we can attempt to approach each other again, and when we realize that the battles fundamentally revolve around being preoccupied with defending and explaining ourselves instead of listening.

Startup Package for Couples Therapy Course

  • 2 individual sessions (55 minutes each)
  • 4 couples therapy sessions (85 minutes each)

Price: DKK 6,600

Click here to view the full price list.

Couples Therapy

"Conflicts in a relationship drain your strength, energy, and capacity. When the most important person in your life is also the one who hurts you the most, it can be difficult to focus on what once brought you together."

Jytte Vikkelsøe

"At Pernille's, we realized that we had completely forgotten to talk to each other, that instead we had both become more focused on blaming and pointing out each other's faults and shortcomings than listening. We now prioritize 'couple time' as the most important thing in our family, because if we as parents are not happy, we don't have the energy for our two treasures, Astrid and Alvin."

We give our highest recommendation to Pernille Taulund and a balanced life."

Henriette & Thomas

First conversation free of charge and entirely non-committal

Now you have an opportunity to book a clarifying conversation with me. It takes place online via Whereby (a link will be sent to you). The purpose of the conversation is for us to gauge chemistry, and for you to share your expectations, needs, and desires for the process. The conversation lasts approximately 30 minutes.

You can find me centrally in Copenhagen – less than 50 steps from Nørreport Station.

Book a non-committal consultation - free of charge

Frederiksborggade 3, 2 floor (Klinik Søgaard), Kbh K

Monday to Thursday 

10.20 am - 5.00 pm

Tuesday until 8.00 pm

Note: Clients in ongoing sessions are offered appointments that may not necessarily appear on the calendar.
