Henriette, 32, & Thomas, 36
We found ourselves at a point in our relationship where we had become somewhat estranged from each other. Several unresolved conflicts combined with sleepless nights due to two young children arriving quickly one after the other meant that we needed help.
With Pernille, we discovered that we had completely forgotten how to communicate with each other. Instead, we had both become more focused on blaming and pointing out flaws in each other rather than listening.
We had gone from cooperation and friendship to war and hostility because we both felt inadequate and were afraid to admit it to each other, fearing that the other would realize we weren't "good enough," which would likely lead to abandonment.
Once we realized this, we were able to start doing things differently. We went from being spouses to being each other's partners, and that commitment is sacred to us.
We now prioritize "couple time" as the most important aspect of our family life because if we as parents are not happy, we don't have the energy for our two treasures, Astrid and Alvin.
We highly recommend Pernille Taulund and a life in balance.
Emma, 29
Pernille saved my life that day. It may sound completely absurd, but nonetheless, it's true.
I was so low, I had forgotten to breathe for several days, and I didn't feel like I could cope with living a life with so many challenges. I felt powerless and unhappy.
After just one conversation, I felt relieved of so much weight that I could breathe deeply again.
Thank you for your help. I can only give my warmest recommendations.
Elin, 42
I simply don't know what I would have done without Pernille.
I was at rock bottom, stumbled upon her name, and gave myself the greatest gift I've ever received. I feel so recognized and safe when I'm with Pernille. I don't know how she does it, but she sees me, so I get to know myself better, which has made me stop creating so many obstacles in my life.
For the first time in many years, perhaps ever, I feel comfortable in my own company. I hope others will also give themselves the great gift of getting to know themselves better.
Call Pernille today.
Emilie, 35
Pernille possesses something truly special; she can create space for development - in the most embracing way. She encounters confusion and chaos and turns them into clarity and possibilities.
I'm impressed with Pernille, and I would recommend her anytime as a worthy sparring partner regarding life's bruises, but most importantly, the deeper fractures.
Visit Pernille - you won't regret it.
Mikkel, 24
I have no idea how she does it, but it works.
I've returned to my studies, and I've gained control over my anxiety.
I give my highest recommendations.
Alex, 56
Pernille is a therapist worth recommending, with a solid background.
I have gone through several long-term sessions with her, primarily working on addiction and relationships, and the resulting cognitive processes - where she has been an excellent sounding board.
Currently, I use her as a coach regarding living a valuable and joyful life - which, for me, is immensely challenging.
In the 11 years I have been constructively engaged in addiction treatment, Pernille has been the catalyst for my "breakthrough."
Torben, 36
I've always believed that therapy is pure brainwashing, but then I met Pernille Egede Taulund.
Since then, I've had to change my perception of what therapy is and can do. I've acquired tools to take better care of myself, which has made me feel much more comfortable at my workplace, in social situations, and in my relationships.
I can only recommend Pernille and encourage others to give it a chance.
Anja, 32
For many years, I've been in a relationship with an alcoholic, and when I first started seeing Pernille, I was convinced that it was just Allan (name changed) who needed treatment.
Pernille makes it so simple and easy to understand. Today, I know that everything starts with me. I've realized how important it is to focus on myself and set my boundaries for what I'm willing to accept.
I still see Pernille and receive NADA treatments and a loving hug along the way. I can only recommend others to do the same.
Petra, 48
Pernille Taulund is a fantastic therapist with an extremely warm and loving approach to people.
Throughout my process, she has been able to sense what I needed and what tools could be helpful for me. Pernille is incredibly present, and I have always felt that she has stood by my side, both in good times and in less good times.
After each therapeutic session with Pernille, I feel progress, and I am grateful to see things from a different perspective.
I can only give Pernille Taulund and A Life in Balance my warmest recommendations, and I am very grateful to have met her.
Kirsten, 62
What I find unique about Pernille Taulund is her creativity in her approach to treatment.
She tries out several different treatment methods and mixes them up so that it's not just talking but actively participating in the space.
I greatly benefit from my sessions with Pernille. From not being able to feel myself or my emotions, I now have a good connection to my feelings.
Her treatment has brought balance to my emotional life. I highly recommend Pernille Taulund; she has made a difference for me.
Now you have an opportunity to book a clarifying conversation with me. It takes place online via Whereby (a link will be sent to you). The purpose of the conversation is for us to gauge chemistry, and for you to share your expectations, needs, and desires for the process. The conversation lasts approximately 30 minutes.
You can find me centrally in Copenhagen – less than 50 steps from Nørreport Station.
Book a non-committal consultation - free of charge
Frederiksborggade 3, 2 floor (Klinik Søgaard), Kbh K
Monday to Thursday
10.20 am - 5.00 pm
Tuesday until 8.00 pm
Note: Clients in ongoing sessions are offered appointments that may not necessarily appear on the calendar.